Falleentium Wiki

Document 99.889[]

## ######## 499AER
Priority Status: SS
Ordered by:################
Order Executed by:####### ### #####
Status: Complete

It is reported that Captain ###### # Karlson has had great success in carrying out the missions in Tranxlan and Hiktia, and the ######## ###### ## ### ## #### ######### ### ##### of the Verzarian invasion.

Lieutenant Colonel ##### ######## and Major # # ####### has just been successful in promoting ######### ###### ### empire.

The ########### ## Henosbrun, has been falsely promised ############ ## #### ######## ###### the Consul. The Jalbe Monarchical Independence Group ### #### ######## #### ####### ## ### ##### ######## ### ########
The Balbar-Tarbar Brotherhood #### ####### #### ######## ## #####
Other smaller rebel groups have also been ######## ### ####### ## ### ####### ########## ####### the consul.

The ######## ########## ### ######## ## ## #####, but mission, Bird War, is described as successful.
