Falleentium Wiki

Dear Citizens, Dear Nation.

The war has hit us and we are now trapped in its deadly and destructive grip.

To get out of this crisis, we are forced to defend ourselves against the terror, or we will be annihilated!

The attack on our beloved colony to the east, were committed by cowards and warmongering leaders who only want our Empire's fall, and the destruction of our culture and traditions.

Look around you.

In the Falleen Armed Forces, we have military officers from Veldunium, Jalbetrer, Entloland and Reellam; another from Hastiga. We've got Cartish, Gorice, Tarpish, Balbish, Talbish.

Christians and Muslims.

All Citizens of this Empire.

Now here in the Empire, some of you in this huge Military Force may have experienced discrimination because of your race, nationality or creed.

But all that is gone now! We are going to war, where you will watch the back of the man next to you, as he will watch yours. And you won't care what color he is, or by what name he calls God.

Now let us understand the situation.

We are going into battle against a tough and determined enemy.

I can't promise you that all of you will come home alive.

But this I swear, before you and before the Almighty Gods, that when we go into this war, no one will be left behind. Dead or alive, we will all come home together.

And we will be victorious!
