Falleentium Wiki

The Imperial Chancellor has decided to address the Empire in this time of crisis, to urge unity and calm and to announce changes that are required for the Empire to prevail in this hour of hardship. The address was given via radio. 

I am speaking to you from the Imperial Chancellery in Corrintrin. 

Yesterday the ambassador of the Golden Empire has presented to the Minister of Foreign Affairs a note. The note proclaimed that a state of war now exists between the Golden Empire and the Falleen Empire. 

You can imagine what a bitter blow it is to me, the person who has sought appeasament and a thaw in the relations with the Golden Empire. But they would not have it. Their aggression and brutality are known world-wide, and now we, a beacon of democracy, have become their victims. 

I tell you this, my fellow countrymen and countrywomen, the principles of democracy and freedom will not submit to opression and terror. We will emerge victorious and will repel the enemy should they dare touch our homeland. 

But in order to win, we must take extreme measures. On that note, I have decided, on the advice of the High Command, to declare a limited mobilisation. Men aged 20 to 25 that do not hold vital positions in industries vital for the war effort, will be called up to help secure their country. 

I urge on that note calm, but mainly unity. Unity is something our Empire has shown time and time again in times of crisis. And we have prevailed over those who sought to harm us, and we shall do so again. We must now forget our internal divisions and unite against one common foe, the Golden Empire. 

I have already dispatched our representatives to nations with war against our enemies to call for cooperation. 

I am also considering the creation of a volunteer military force composed of persons who have already served their country in the military(//Aka Home Guard). 

In the time to come, we must prove that this is our finest hour. For Emperor and Country! 

The transcript of the address will be published in all major newspapers.
